I Cdon’t needAm
AnFyone G
At allC When I’m witAmh you
My heaFrt is alwayGs full
TakCe a moAmment
To notFice all the
litGtle things you doC
(For meAm for meF) G
* I needC you hereAm
right nowF togetherG
The starCs alignAm
somehowF foreverG
I’ll beC BesideAm you
WhenevFer Cuz I likeG you
I needC you hereAm
right nowF togetherG
CloCse your eyesAm
DonF’t you worry
I’llG be by youCr side
(Be byAm your sideF) G
HolCd me tighAmt
I proFmise I will nevGer let you goC
(Please donAm’t you goF) G
* I needC you hereAm
right nowF togetherG
The starCs alignAm
somehowF foreverG
I’ll beC BesideAm you
WhenevFer Cuz I likeG you
I needC you hereAm
right nowF togetherG
* I neeDd you herBme
right nowG togetherA
The starDs alignBm
somehowG foreverA
I’ll beBm BesideBb you
WhenevAer Cuz I likeE you
I needG you here right nowGm together
( 4 Times )