holFd me closer
untiC/El we’re older
when ourDm live’s changed,
i’ll feelAm the sameG
i canF’t get luckier
to lovC/Ee you forever,
is allDm i wish
no matAmter what G
maybe nobody getFs it, there’s
nothing i wouCldn’t do to have
you in my armDms again tonighGt
just hoping you’ll sayF it
whatever it takCes to prove
to you that i’m all yourGs
* ‘cause if Ci could swim across oceaG/Bns,
i’d spenAmd my last breath
trying to find you inG the endF
just hold me donG’t say sorry
if Ci could wipe out my memoriesG/B
i’d spenAmd every moment
from now on with youG on my mindF
i’ll choose you alwaGys, if i couldF
mayFbe some day
i’ll finC/Ed us a place
where timDme stands still,
and soAm will we G/B
we’ll walFk through cities,
hold hanC/Eds, while i see
foreDmver in your eyeAms i wishG/B
maybe nobody getFs it, there’s
nothing i wouCldn’t do to have
you in my armDms again tonighGt
just hoping you’ll sayF it
whatever it takCes to prove
to you that i’m all yourGs
* ‘cause if Ci could swim across oceaG/Bns,
i’d spenAmd my last breath
trying to find you inG the endF
just hold me donG’t say sorry
ifC i could wipe out my memoriesG/B
i’d spenAmd every moment
from now on with youG on my minFd
i’ll choose you alwGays, if i could
* ‘cause if Ci could swim across oceaG/Bns,
i’d spenAmd my last breath
trying to find you inG the end F
just hold me donG’t say sorry
if Ci could wipe out my memorieG/Bs
i’d spenAmd every moment
from now on with youG on my minFd
i’ll choose you alwGays, if i could