I’m Amjust laying on the flooDr again
CanG’t be bothered to get upC now
I wouldn’t careAm
If I never get upD again
I don’t wanGt to C
TheAmn our song comes on the radDio
MakGes me wanna start to dancCe oh
I wanna knowAm
If you feel the same wayD as me
Why would youG go C
* DanAmcing I’m all aloneD
Figuring out Ghow I can get you homeC
DanAmcing with my phonDe
Thinking abouGt you C
On Ammy feet and now I’m outD the door
WalGking by the places thaCt we used to go
I rAmemember all your favDorite stores
I won’t lieG C
I dAmon’t think I evenD
know myselfG anymoreC
YouAm’re the one who kneDw
me fucking wellG
Yeah you knowC
* DanAmcing I’m all aloneD
Figuring out Ghow I can get you homeC
DanAmcing with my phonDe
Thinking abouGt you C
* DanAmcing I’m all aloneD
Figuring out Ghow I can get you homeC
DanAmcing with my phonDe
Thinking abouGt you C
DanAmcing all alone
Dancing allD alone
(Dancing all alone)
DanGcing all alone
Dancing allC alone
(Dancing with my phone)
DanAmcing with my phonDe
Thinking abouGt you C
DanAmcing all alone
Dancing allD alone
DanGcing all alone
Dancing allC alone
DanAmcing with my phonDe
Thinking abouGt you C