5th of NovemCber
When I walked you homEme
that’s when I nAmearly said it
but then said forget it and frozFe
Do you rememCber
You probably donEm’t
Cuz the sparAmks in the sky
took a hold of your eyes
while we spokFe G
drank way too much
and stayed upAm too late
I started to write
what i wanDmna say
deleted the message
but i Gstill remember it said
I wishC I
was who you drunk texted
at midEmnight
wish I was the reason you stayDm
up till 3 and you can’t fall asleep
waiFting for me to replyG
I wishC I
was more than just someone
you walEmk by
wish i wasn’t scared to be
honDmest and open
instead of just hoping
you’d feeFl what i’m feeling insidFme
april the 7thC
And nothing has chanEmged
It’s harAmd to get by when
you’re still on my mind everydayF
Sometimes I queCstion
If you feel the samEme
Do we makAme stupid jokes
tryna hide that we’re both
too afraidF to say G
I wishC I
was who you drunk texted
at midEmnight
wish I was the reason you stayDm
up till 3 and you can’t fall asleep
waiFting for me to replyG
I wishC I
was more than just
someone you walEmk by
wish I wasn’t scared to
be honDmest and open
instead of just hoping
you’d feeFl what i’m feeling insideFm
OhDm and here we go again
DestroyG myself to keep a friend
HidEming away
Cuz I was afraid you’d say noF
I wonDmder if I cross your mind
HalGf as much as you do mine
If I tellEm you the truth
What would you do I don’t knoFw Fm
I wishC I
Had sent you that drunk text
at midEmnight
I was just scared it would
ruin Dmour friendship
But i really meant it
I wonFder how you would replyFm