Into the unknownD, Into the unknownG
Into the unknownBm.. Oh Goh oh
I can hearD you but I won't
Some look for troubGle while others don't
There's a thouFsand reasons
I should go Cabout my day
And ignoreF your whispers
which I wishC would go away, oh
You're not a voiceD
you're just a ringing in my ear
And if I hearGd you, which I don't
I'm spoken for I fear
EverFyone I've ever loved
is hereC within these walls
I'm sorrFy, secret siren
but I'm blocAking out your calls
I've hadBm my adventure
I don't need something new
I'm afraidG of what I'm risking
if I follow you
Into the unknownD, Into the unknownG
Into the unknownBm.. Oh Goh oh.. Oh oh oh..
What do you wanDt?
'Cause you've been keeping me awake
Are you hereG to distract me
so I make a big mistake?
Or are you someFone out there
who's a littlCe bit like me?
Who knowGs deep down
I'm not whereA I'm meant to be?
Every dayBm's a little harder
as I feel your power grow
DonG't you know there's part of me
that longEms to go
Into the unknownD, Into the unknownG
Into the unknownBm.. Oh Goh oh..
Are you outA there? Do you know me?
Can you feelG me? Can you show me..?
Ah Bah ah ah ah, Ah Eah ah ah ah
Ah Bah ah ah ah, Ah Eah ah ah ah
WhereC#m are you going?
Don't leave me alone
HowC do I follow you Cm
Into the unknown?A Bb B