It’s been a longD long time
since I left this town
It’s been a longA/C# long year
since a saw you around
Do you rememF#mber when we tried
but then we said goodbyeE?
* And all the streetDs down there
and the city lights
And all the timeA/C#s when
we used to sit and fight
And all the wordF#ms we said
that made us lose each other mindE?
** It took just one nightD
to forget all the thingAs that didn’t work (E)
And it took just a blinkF#m of an eye
To forget the reasEons why we broke
Cause it’s in your eyesD
The same ones thatA never told me liesE
You (oh) with your Jade eyesF#m
I guess you made me fall Eagain tonight
I guess I’ll see you in life
It’s been a longD long time here we are again
Although our differAent life
you are still my best friend
Just holdF#m me tight
cause we’re meant to say goodbyeE
( REPEAT * , ** )
INSTRU : D|A|F#m |E ( 2 Times )
( REPEAT ** )
INSTRU : D|A|F#m |E ( 2 Times ) D