INTRO : FFaug |DmD7|GmG7|C|C
Can'tF you ever seeA7
That I love youDm eternallyD7?
All myGm heart anG7d my soulGm G7
From now foreveCr will belong to you.
CanF't you ever seeA7
Lovingly yourDm I'll always beD7?
All my thoughGmts and my dreaG7ms,
My whole life Cis just meant for you.F
* HowC# can I make you see I loF#ve you alone?
I nBever could have you for my Eown
I lG7ove you, love only youC, C7
ForevDer and ever I'm yourCs it's true.
** LifFe is meaninglessA7
I'd never findDm my happiD7ness,
WithouGmt you I would die G7
Can't you seeC? I love only you.