In Gthe townD where I wCas bornG
LivedEm a manAm who sailedG to seaD
AndG he toldD us of Chis life G
InEm the landAm of subGmarinesD
SoG we sailedD up to Cthe sun G
TillEm we foundAm the seaG of greenD
AndG we livedD beneathC the wavesG
InEm our yellowAm submGarine D
* WeG all live in a yellDow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellGow submarine
We all live in a yellDow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellGow submarine
And our frienDds are all Aon boardG
ManEmy moreAm of them liveG next doorD
And the bandD begins to playG
( REPEAT * )
( 2 Times )
AsG we liveD a lifeC of easeG (A life of ease)
EveryEm one ofAm us (Every one of us)
has allG we needD (Has all we need)
SkyG of blueD (Sky of blue)
and seaC of greenG (Sea of green)
InEm our yellowAm (In our yellow)
subGmarineD (Submarine, ha, ha)
( REPEAT * ) Till End