HowE many roadsA must a manE walk down
Before you callA him a manB?
HowE many seasA must a whitEe dove sail
Before she sleepAs in the sandB?
HowE many timeAs must the cannEon balls fly
Before they're foreAver bannBed?
* The answAer, my frienBd, is blowEin' in the windC#m
The answAer is blowBin' in the windE.
HowE many yearAs can a mounEtain exist
Before it is washAed to the sea?E
How many yearAs can some peopEle exist
Before they're alloweAd to be freeB?
HowE many timeAs can a manE turn his head
And pretend that he justA doesn't seeB?
( REPEAT * )
HowE many timeAs must a manE look up
Before he can seeA the sky?B
HowE many earsA must oneE man have
Before he can hearA people cry?B
HowE many deathAs will it takeE 'til he knows
That too many peopAle have diedB?
( REPEAT * , * )